July 2010





This Society shall be called "The European Ophthalmic Pathology Society".






The aim of the Society shall be to promote the advancement of ophthalmic pathology by co‑ordination with general ophthalmology, general pathology and allied sciences, by the encouragement of research, by the improvement of teaching and technical methods, through scientific meetings in Europe.




1. Membership shall normally be European in scope and shall consist of Ordinary Members, Emeritus Members and Honorary Members. Honorary Membership may be international in scope.

2. Ordinary members are elected by ballot at a general meeting (or business meeting) of the Society following nomination by two Ordinary Members.

The suitability of the nominees to fulfill the requirements of the Society, as laid down in the Constitution and Bye‑laws, should be examined by the Council prior to the ballot.




1. The Officers shall be President, Corresponding Secretary/Treasurer and Organising Secretary and the Officers shall constitute the Executive Council.

2. The election of these Officers and their duties shall be as provided for in the Bye‑laws of the Society.






The meetings of the Society shall be held at the call of the President at such times and places as are decided at the Annual Meeting. One meeting a calendar year shall be held. The official written language shall be English.






1. A quorum of the Executive Council shall consist of all Officers. Business may be transacted by correspondence.

2. A quorum of a Business Meeting of the Society shall consist of 16 Ordinary Members of whom at least one shall be an Officer.






Amendments to the Constitution and the Bye‑laws shall first be submitted to the Corresponding Secretary in writing for the consideration of the Executive Council. The proposed amendment and the recommendation of the Executive Council shall be submitted to the Ordinary Members either at a Business Meeting or by correspondence. A two‑thirds majority vote (which in number must consist of at least half of the Ordinary Members of the Society) of those present at a Business Meeting, or of those voting when polled by correspondence, shall be required for adoption of the proposed amendment. The presiding Officer shall have the casting vote.




1. Ordinary Members shall normally consist of medically qualified persons who have a special knowledge of ophthalmic pathology and are actively engaged in this work. They should have access to adequate laboratory facilities and sufficient pathological material to provide interesting cases for the meetings. Ordinary Members should normally be limited to 35

2. With due consideration of the demand for professional quality there should be an international as well as a national spread of Ordinary Members in order that as many European countries and as many institutions and laboratories as possible can benefit from the activities of the Society. Domination of the society by one or two nations should be avoided by limiting the number of ordinary members from each country in proportion to size. Additional proposals for membership from each country can be considered on a case-by-case basis by the members of the society.


A candidate for Ordinary Membership should preferably have been introduced to the Ordinary Members being a guest at two annual meetings.

A two‑thirds majority of the Ordinary Members voting is required for a candidate for Ordinary Membership to be elected. Each Ordinary Member shall have one vote, and the President Officer shall have the casting vote.


Notice of retirement or resignation of any Ordinary Member from the Society submitted to the Corresponding Secretary before the next Business Meeting allow to fill the vacancy at the business meeting.


Election to the vacancy created by a retiring Ordinary Member can not take place until after the resignation has come into effect.


3. Persons distinguished for eminent services to medicine and especially to the cause of ophthalmic pathology may be made Honorary Members on nomination to the Executive Council and with the unanimous approval of the Society by ballot. Honorary Members shall have the right of attending the Scientific Meetings of the Society, and of taking part in the discussions, but shall have no vote.


4. An Ordinary Member who has attended at least ten annual meetings may, on retirement, become an Emeritus Member on his/her request notified in writing to the Executive Council, or on nomination by the Council and written agreement of the nominee. Except in case of resignation, Emeritus‑Membership is for life. Emeritus Members have the right to attend the meetings of the Society. At the Scientific Meeting protocols will be provided but without a set of sections. A case presentation will not be required. Emeritus Members will receive the Minutes of the Business Meetings which they may attend if they wish, but they will not be eligible to vote.


5. The annual subscription fee will be used to cover costs for the guest of honour (registration fee of the guest of honour and spouse, and the hotel during the meeting), extra costs made by the Organising Secretary, and expenses incurred by the Corresponding Secretary. All expenses of meetings shall be defrayed by a registration fee to be determined by the Organising Secretary and approved by the Executive Council. The costs of membership shall be accounted for during the business meeting.


6. Honorary Members, Emeritus Members and Guests shall not normally be exempt from Registration Fees.




1. Officers shall be nominated by any Ordinary Member of the Society in writing to the Corresponding Secretary before the Annual General Meeting provided the consent of the nominee has been obtained. Voting will be by ballot.


2. The term of office of the President shall be for three years.

The term of office of the Corresponding Secretary shall be for three years.

The term of office for the Organising Secretary shall be for one year and he will be the host at the centre chosen for the Annual Meeting of that year.

They shall be eligible for re‑election.


3. An officer may hold more than one office. In this case a Councillor or Councillors must be elected to the Executive Council in order that there shall be no less than two in charge of the Society's affairs.


4. The term of office of the Executive Council shall begin as from the Annual General Meeting.




1. The Executive Council shall formulate policies and shall authorise disbursement of any funds the Society may hold.


2. The President shall discharge the duties usually assigned to this office.

The Corresponding Secretary/treasurer shall deal with all correspondence of the Society, and he or she will be responsible for all communications with other Officers, and with the Members of the Society.

The Organising Secretary, through the Corresponding Secretary, will arrange the Annual Meeting of which he or she is the host.


3. The Executive Council may appoint such permanent or temporary committee as are necessary for the proper administration of the Society's affairs.




1.  The programme of the Annual Meeting shall consist of three (3) parts:


(I) The Executive Council shall meet before and after the Business Meeting of the Society and take action on such matters as are brought to it.


(II) The Business Meeting of the Society will include the Corresponding Secretary's Report, the election of Officers and Members, and consideration of such business as may be required.


(III) The Scientific Meeting. The normal pattern will be that every Ordinary Member shall describe a case and provide a protocol and sections to each of his fellow Ordinary Members in order that the histopathology may be studied before the meeting, and so that every Ordinary Member attending will have a complete record of the meeting for private study or for demonstration to interested groups in his own country.

2. The Executive Council may co‑opt interim Officers to fill vacancies occurring by election, resignation or death.


3. Ordinary Members may introduce guests at the Scientific Meeting at the invitation of the Council, but the total number of the presentations at the Meeting should not exceed 40. One Guest of Honour may be invited to each Annual Meeting. Emeritus Members are not included in this number.


4. Ordinary Member have a commitment to attend the annual meeting. Failing to attend two out of four consecutive ordinary meetings (excluding the joint meeting in the US) shall normally forfeit his membership of the Society. To maintain membership, the annul membership fee must be paid within twelve months, including those who do not attend the annual meeting.


5.  Proceedings of the Society are not for publication.